Back home I would be described as a home body, I’m very close with my family and I love spending time just hanging out at home. It’s hard to think that when you leave home you won’t be seeing your family for two years. I know these days it’s really easy to keep in touch and skype or viber but when you’re so busy all day and then after two hours of travel to get to and from work it’s the last thing you feel like doing. A lot can happen in two years and it drives me crazy every time I miss my brothers formal or his 18th or mums birthday. I wish sometimes I could fly back for a weekend just so I could spend a day at the beach playing with my dogs or having a family barbeque. As they say the grass is always greener, when I was in Australia I couldn’t wait to get out and now after two weeks of overcast weather in London I’m ready to leave yesterday!
When you meet new people here the first question they ask you is ‘why the hell are you over here if you’re from Australia ?’ But these days I seam to be running out of answers. I think that might be the upside to uprooting your life to move to another country, so you can appreciate your home when you get back. Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining because I absolutely love London and all it has to offers, I just think this city is missing heart sometimes.
Here are a few things I miss the most:
My puppies at the beach
Cards sent from home
My sister
Family events
My brothers formal
My dora
My things
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